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wongie's world has now moved to http://wongiesworld.tumblr.com/

Thursday, October 05, 2006

kids! don't do drugs! and george micheal news

don't you just love how informative those popbitch gals are? here is the latest on the current drug of choice: "Gamma Butyrolactone (GBL), closely related to GHB, is increasingly the drug of choice for London's narcotic connoisseurs. It produces a short, intense rush, heightens sexual pleasure and is metabolised very quickly - so almost impossible for, say, police to detect.

GBL does have one major side-effect. It induces a deep, unrousable sleep which can come on quite unexpectedly. Like, perhaps, when you're a super-famous pop star driving home from a night's cruising and the traffic lights in front suddenly turn green..."

in other news, singer george michael is set to begin his 25live concert series spanning his whole career. george, who hasn't toured in more than 15 years, is simultaneously releasing a double CD filled with all his hits and three new recordings. hopefully he won't be too tired from all the stress.


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