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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

film to watch: nobody knows

one of the best films of last year, nobody knows, finally makes its way to US shores.

directed by one of my favorite japanese directors, kore-eda hirokazu (after life) has crafted a heartbreaking yet, judgement-free film about a group of young kids left to their own devices after being abandoned by their immature irresponsible mother.

at times purely innocent, one never gets that horrible nagging feeling of imminent danger out of their heads, which makes this film equally tense. in the end, the documentary like story unfolds into a piece of filmmaking that will easily linger in your head for years to come. brilliant!

to watch the trailer, check out the US IFCfilms version here
if you REALLY love this film, the japan dvd with english subtitles will be available in march, with other asian versions coming out soon afterwards.


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