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Monday, August 22, 2005

R.I.P. six feet under

last night, after six seasons, the fisher family and all their annoying dysfuctions, called it quits with one of the most amazing finales i've seen in awhile. six feet under has always been one of the best dramas written. by focusing on how deep a family can drown in their own silence, fear and personal demons, a full fledged cast of characters quickly became part of our lives. of course the biggest winning factor of all these wierdos is the fact that humor ran rampant throughout their adventures and though you may not have liked them, you wanted to see how it would all turn out.

and did you see that ending of a series finale last night (with the perfect use of sia's 'breathe me')! [spoiler alert] nate's sudden death forced all of the remaining members into a tornado of a wake up call. in fact, the last few episodes were the best overservations on how grief affects people i've EVER seen on TV, further proving that six feet under was above all the rest when it came to storytelling.

the show shall be missed and honestly, i don't think they'll be a show on TV for awhile that hits this level of perfection.

if you want to read more, the village voice gave a perfect eulogy for the show


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