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Sunday, January 08, 2006

re-buzz 2006 : battlestar galactica

easily one of the best shows on TV, battlestar galactica returns this month to scifi (and an ipod downloadable version) with even more exciting twists and turns to keep you hooked by tooth and nail.

to those who have yet to be convinced how a show about a dwindling human fleet trying to find a new home on a legendary planet called earth could be amazing, well... you just gotta watch.

though there is the constant threat of battling the cyber enemy, what makes this show completely watchable is it's sparse pacing. within all the space of it's storytelling, battlestar galactica unfolds as a brilliant internal drama between the military, the civilians and a few cylons (disguised as human) thrown in. the end result is a show filled with grey decisions, power struggles, sexual tension and constant unease.

luckily for you, the dvd's of the previous seasons have been rushed out so you can start from the beginning. for the rest of us already hooked, battlestar offers a very smart alternative to much of the mediocre tv out there.


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