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wongie's world has now moved to http://wongiesworld.tumblr.com/

Monday, August 21, 2006

k-fed sucks so bad that there's no words to describe it

last night's teen choice awards was a bizarre mix of bought airtime, myspace promotion and actual kudos.

amidst an offkey performance of nelly furtado (and the song is a rap people) and a seemingly coked up dane cook, brooke hogan (who?... exactly) wins a prize for best grillz (i mean, c'mon!) while sandra bullock/keanu reeves got best kiss (did ANYONE see the lake house? i doubt the teens did).

but the worst highlight had to have been the finale in which kfed world premiered his non existant talent to the world. it's truly painful and if there is a reason to maliciously end careers, i hope this one will begin the trend for him.

PS: i'm not the only one with this sentiment, check out an AP report on USAtoday.

and here's the infamous performance here on youtube:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jyzdxoh my god,what was that awful presentation about. vanilla ice please come back! k-fed please stop and go back to fresno, the world could give a shit about you,or your trailor trash wife

12:43 PM  

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