wongie's world has moved to http://wongiesworld.tumblr.com/

wongie's world has now moved to http://wongiesworld.tumblr.com/

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

has it come to this? THE current pick up book for men!

in just 6 months, a book by the name of 'the game: penetrating the secret society of pickup artists' is sweeping the singles scene like wildfire. guys are using codes like 'covert' and AFC's (average frustrated chumps), to pass on pickup tricks that seem to be working on the average single girl.

though many new york females have already picked up on these tricks (by reading the books themselves), guys are now coming up with revised new versions of what works.

i'm not sure whether to feel sorry for these schmos or congratulate them on their newfound education, but you gotta read the village voice article that has everyone talking about it here.


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