i don't know about you, but i've been obsessed with t-shirts lately. maybe because of the amazing designs that have been popping up on everyone's chests (design envy) or the fact that it's the cheapest form of acquiring personalized style without breaking the bank. even more amazing is the fact that online sites are popping up all over the place with great affordable prices!
with that in mind, here are three suggestions for places to check out.
fresh cotton is a dutch company that carries up to 40 different brands from all over the world. i'm in love with the hot netherlands brand featured here (t's 3-6) called ontour.
if the pricing of fresh cotton is a tad too much for you, check out the online t-shirt site
threadless where t's never go beyond $15 AND has a continuous roster of limited edition shirts for sale (t's 1-2). i already own way too many for my own good (including the ones featured)!
finally, if you're asian and you're looking for something fun AND with a minority slant, check out the LA based
blacklava, where asian pride is all over their tongue 'n' cheek designs (t's 7-8). my choice from this site, 'i suck at math'!
so while the world is freezing up outside, what better to show off your fun t's when you strip down indoors. c'mon, you know you wanna....