happy halloween from wongies music world! gnarls barkley - who cares (world premiere)
gnarls barkley - who cares
(definitely my only other favorite song off the album)
check out wongie's music world if you have some time!
wongie's world has now moved to http://wongiesworld.tumblr.com/
the good ol folks over at tmz were kind enough to compile a yummy list of the hottest bodies of the year. there are some choice ones (carrot top?) but in general, i agree!
at this point, the sony bravia ads have become event advertising. ever since the classic "balls" ad was released last year, the highly viralled commercial has been passed around as an example of how wonderful and simple a product ad can be.
chit-chat blogs of myspaces! number 2
not much has made me all giddy to hype these days, but over at my music blog there are updates galore!
don't you just love how informative those popbitch gals are? here is the latest on the current drug of choice: "Gamma Butyrolactone (GBL), closely related to GHB, is increasingly the drug of choice for London's narcotic connoisseurs. It produces a short, intense rush, heightens sexual pleasure and is metabolised very quickly - so almost impossible for, say, police to detect.
starting about two years ago, aussie juan mann decided to offer free hugs to the people of sydney. slowly building a cult of huggers, the local council quickly barred juan from his act of free kindness because of zoning restrictions and liability. how did he overcome the obstacle? check out the cute video below.